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All Aluminum Conductor (AAC Conductor)

All Aluminum Conductor (AAC Conductor ) is a common bare wire, mainly used for power transmission in open places and long-distance overhead lines. Such as grasslands, forests and other places etc. all can use aluminium stranded wire. The aac all aluminum conductor can also be used to make the core of aluminum cables. All Aluminum stranded Conductor mainly has IEC standards, BS standards, ASTM standards, DIN standards and so on. The cross section of the all aluminium conductor ranges from 10mm² to 1500mm².

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All Aluminum Alloy Conductor (AAAC Conductor) Features

ASTM B230, B231, B400; BS215, BS2627, BS50182; CSA C49; DIN48201; IEC61089
Aluminum 1350 wires are concentrically stranded and wrapped helically around a central wire.
Just like aacsr conductor, the all aluminum conductor is also suitable for use in spans on wood poles, transmission towers etc.
Greased AAC can be supplied.

AAC All Aluminum Conductor Advantages

All Aluminium Conductor (AAC) is a type of cable that is becoming increasingly popular due to its many advantages over other forms of cable. This aac cable offers superior electrical conductivity, a lightweight design, and resistance to corrosion. The aac all aluminum conductor is also easy to transport and install, as it is extremely flexible and can be used in a variety of applications. Furthermore, aac all aluminum conductor is much more cost-effective than many other options, making it an attractive choice for many projects.

How to Store an AAC All Aluminium Conductor?

Storing an All Aluminium Conductor (AAC) cable is a simple and straightforward process. This aac cable should be stored indoors in a dry, well-ventilated area with a temperature of 0°C to 40°C and humidity of 30-75%. The aac all aluminum conductor should be separated from combustible materials, and stored on wooden pallets or skids. Make sure to protect the cable from direct sunlight, moisture, and any other materials that may cause corrosion or damage. Be sure to inspect the cable for any signs of damage before use.

How to Choose AAC All Aluminium Conductor?

Choosing the right all aluminium conductor (AAC) cable is important for safety and performance. When selecting an AAC Conductor, you should consider its conductor size, voltage rating, and temperature resistance. The AAC all aluminum conductor has high conductivity, making it a better choice than other types of cables. Furthermore, aac aluminum conductors are lightweight, durable, and can be used in a variety of applications. When selecting an bare overhead AAC conductor, it is important to ensure that it meets the required safety standards. Additionally, checking the manufacturer’s warranty will ensure that you get a quality product.

AAC All Aluminium Conductor Manufacturing Process

The all aluminium conductor (AAC) is made of aluminum strands and is used in low and medium voltage power lines. The manufacturing process begins with molten aluminum which is poured into a cylindrical steel mold and cooled. After cooling, the conductor is cut into the desired size and shape, that’s electrical round aluminum rod. It can be φ12mm or φ9.5mm aluminum rod, but the mild tensile strength should be different to ensure that the tensile strength uniformity of the drawn aluminum single wire does not exceed 20MPa. When producing stranded aluminum wire, it is necessary to pull the φ9.5mm aluminum rod into aluminum wire with smaller diameter, such as 2.1mm, 2.15mm, 3.0mm, etc., and then strands of aluminum wire are twisted together to synthesize stranded aluminum wire. Finally, a protective coating is applied to the aac all aluminum conductor to protect it from environmental conditions. This process results in a lightweight and durable conductor that is ideal for use in overhead power lines.

Specifications of All Aluminum Conductor (AAC Conductor)

Code word Size of Conductor Stranding and Wire Diameter Overall Diameter Max.D.C. Resistance at 20°C
AWG or MCM No./mm mm ohm/km
Peachbell 6 7/1.554 4.67 2.1692
Rose 4 7/1.961 5.89 1.3624
Iris 2 7/2.474 7.42 0.8577
Pansy 1 7/2.776 8.33 0.6801
Poppy 1/0 7/3.119 9.36 0.539
Aster 2/0 7/3.503 10.51 0.4276
Phlox 3/0 7/3.932 11.8 0.339
Oxlip 4/0 7/4.417 13.26 0.2688
Valerian 250 19/2.913 14.57 0.2275
Sneezewort 250 7/4.80 14.4 0.2275
Laurel 266.8 19/3.01 15.05 0.2133
Daisy 266.8 7/4.96 14.9 0.2133
Peony 300 19/3.193 15.97 0.1896
Tulip 336.4 19/3.381 16.91 0.1691
Daffodil 350 19/3.447 17.24 0.1625
Canna 397.5 19/3.673 18.36 0.1431
Goldentuft 450 19/3.909 19.55 0.1264
Syringa 477 37/2.882 20.19 0.1193
Cosmos 477 19/4.023 20.12 0.1193
Hyacinth 500 37/2.951 20.65 0.1138
Zinnia 500 19/4.12 20.6 0.1138
Dahlia 556.5 19/4.346 21.73 0.1022
Mistletoe 556.5 37/3.114 21.79 0.1022
Meadowsweet 600 37/3.233 22.63 0.0948
Orchid 636 37/3.33 23.31 0.0894
Heuchera 650 37/3.366 23.56 0.0875
Flag 700 61/2.72 24.48 0.0813
Verbena 700 37/3.493 24.45 0.0813
Nasturtium 715.5 61/2.75 24.76 0.0795
Violet 715.5 37/3.533 24.74 0.0795
Cattail 750 61/2.817 25.35 0.0759
Petunia 750 37/3.617 25.32 0.0759
Lilac 795 61/2.90 26.11 0.0715
Arbutus 795 37/3.724 26.06 0.0715
Snapdragon 900 61/3.086 27.78 0.0632
Cockscomb 900 37/3.962 27.73 0.0632
Goldenrod 954 61/3.177 28.6 0.0596
Magnolia 954 37/4.079 28.55 0.0596
Camellia 1000 61/3.251 29.36 0.0569
Hawkweed 1000 37/4.176 29.23 0.0569
Larkspur 1033.5 61/3.307 29.76 0.055
Bluebell 1033.5 37/4.244 29.72 0.055
Marigold 1113 61/3.432 30.89 0.0511
Hawthorn 1192.5 61/3.551 31.05 0.0477
Narcissus 1272 61/3.668 33.02 0.0477
Columbine 1351.5 61/3.78 34.01 0.0421
Carnation 1431 61/3.89 35.03 0.0398
Gladiolus 1510.5 61/4.00 35.09 0.0376
Coreopsis 1590 61/4.099 36.51 0.0358
Jessamine 1750 61/4.302 38.72 0.0325
Cowslip 2000 91/3.76 41.4 0.0285
Lupine 2500 91/4.21 46.3 0.023
Trillium 3000 127/3.90 50.75 0.0192
Bluebonnet 3500 127/4.21 54.8 0.0166
Code Name Nominal Cross Section No./Dia.of Stranding Wires Overall Diameter Approx. Weight Max.D.C Resistance of Conductor at 20℃ Calculated Breaking Load Final Modulus of Elasticity Coefficient of Linear Expansion
mm² No./mm mm kg/km ohm/km daN hbar /℃
Midge 22 7/2.06 6.18 64 1.227 399 5900 23 x 10-6
Aphis 25 3/3.35 7.2 73 1.081 411 5900 23 x 10-6
Gnat 25 7/2.21 6.6 73 1.066 459 5900 23 x 10-6
Weevil 30 3/3.66 7.9 86 0.9082 486 5900 23 x 10-6
Mosquito 35 7/2.59 7.8 101 0.7762 603 5900 23 x 10-6
Ladybird 40 7/2.79 8.4 117 0.6689 687 5900 23 x 10-6
Ant 50 7/3.10 9.3 145 0.5419 828 5900 23 x 10-6
Fly 60 7/3.40 10.2 174 0.4505 990 5900 23 x 10-6
Bluebottle 70 7/3.66 11 202 0.3881 1134 5900 23 x 10-6
Earwing 75 7/3.78 11.4 215 0.3644 1194 5900 23 x 10-6
Grasshopper 80 7/3.91 11.7 230 0.3406 1278 5900 23 x 10-6
Clegg 90 7/4.17 12.5 262 0.2994 1453 5900 23 x 10-6
Wasp 100 7/4.39 13.17 290 0.2702 1600 5900 23 x 10-6
Beetle 100 19/2.67 13.4 293 0.2704 1742 5600 23 x 10-6
Bee 125 7/4.90 14.7 361 0.2169 1944 5900 23 x 10-6
Cricket 150 7/5.36 16.1 432 0.1818 2385 5900 23 x 10-6
Hornet 150 19/3.25 16.25 434 0.1825 2570 5600 23 x 10-6
Caterpillar 175 19/3.53 17.7 512 0.1547 2863 5600 23 x 10-6
Chafer 200 19/3.78 18.9 587 0.1349 3240 5600 23 x 10-6
Spider 225 19/3.99 20.0 652 0.1211 3601 5600 23 x 10-6
Cockroach 250 19/4.22 21.1 731 0.1083 4040 5600 23 x 10-6
Butterfly 300 19/4.65 23.25 888 0.08916 4875 5600 23 x 10-6
Moth 350 19/5.00 25 1027 0.07711 5637 5600 23 x 10-6
Drone 350 37/3.58 25.1 1029 0.07741 5745 5600 23 x 10-6
Locust 400 19/5.36 26.8 1179 0.06710 6473 5600 23 x 10-6
Centipede 400 37/3.78 26.46 1145 0.06944 6310 5600 23 x 10-6
Maybug 450 37/4.09 28.6 1342 0.05931 7401 5600 23 x 10-6
Scorpion 500 37/4.27 29.9 1460 0.05441 7998 5600 23 x 10-6
Cicada 600 37/4.65 32.6 1733 0.04588 9495 5600 23 x 10-6
Tarantula 750 37/5.23 36.6 2191 0.03627 12010 5600 23 x 10-6
Code Name KCMIL or AWG Cross Section of Aluminum Size Total Mass Rated Tensile Strength Max.D.C. Resistance at 20℃
No.of Wires Dia.of Wires Dia.of Conductor
mm²  - mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km
Anemone 874.5 443.12 37 3.90 27.30 1223 72.9 0.06509
Cockscomb 900 456.04 37 3.96 27.72 1259 75.2 0.06324
927.2 469.82 37 4.02 28.14 1297 77.5 0.06139
Magnolia 954 483.40 37 4.08 28.56 1334 79.8 0.05966
Hawkweed 1000 506.71 37 4.18 29.26 1399 83.8 0.05692
Bluebell 1033.5 523.68 37 4.25 29.75 1445 86.6 0.05507
1100 557.38 61 3.41 30.69 1541 94.7 0.05182
Marigold 1113 563.97 61 3.43 30.87 1559 95.8 0.05121
Hawthorn 1192.5 604.25 61 3.55 31.95 1670 103 0.04780
1200 608.05 61 3.56 32.04 1681 103 0.04750
Narcissus 1272 644.54 61 3.67 33.03 1782 110 0.04481
1300 658.72 61 3.71 33.39 1821 112 0.04385
Columbine 1351.5 684.82 61 3.78 34.02 1893 113 0.04218
1400 709.39 61 3.85 34.65 1961 117 0.04072
Carnation 1431 725.10 61 3.89 35.01 2004 120 0.03983
1500 760.07 61 3.98 35.82 2101 125 0.03800
Gladiolus 1510.5 762.72 61 3.99 35.91 2110 123 0.03790
Coreopsis 1590 805.67 61 4.10 36.90 2227 133 0.03585
1600 810.74 61 4.11 36.99 2241 134 0.03563
1700 861.41 61 4.24 38.16 2381 142 0.03353
1800 912.08 91 3.57 39.27 2524 155 0.03170
Cowslip 2000 1013.42 91 3.77 41.47 2804 168 0.02853
Sagebrush 2250 1140.10 91 3.99 43.89 3155 188 0.02536
2435.6 1234.14 91 4.16 45.76 3415 204 0.02343
Lupine 2500 1266.78 91 4.21 46.31 3505 209 0.02283
Bitterroo 2750 1393.45 91 4.42 48.62 3856 230 0.02075
3000 1520.13 91 4.61 50.71 4207 251 0.01902
3007.7 1524.03 91 4.62 50.82 4217 252 0.01897
3500 1773.49 91 4.98 54.78 4908 292 0.01630
3640 1844.42 91 5.08 55.88 5104 304 0.01568
Cross Section Calculated Cross Section No./Dia.of Stranding Wire Overall Diameter Linear Mass Calculated Breaking Load Max.D.C. Resistance at 20℃
mm² mm² mm mm kg/km daN Ω/km
16 15.89 7/1.70 5.1 44 290 1.8018
25 24.25 7/2.10 6.3 67 425 1.1808
35 34.36 7/2.50 7.5 94 585 0.8332
50 49.48 7/3.00 9.0 135 810 0.5786
50 48.36 19/1.80 9.0 133 860 0.5950
70 65.82 19/2.10 10.5 181 1150 0.4371
95 93.27 19/2.50 12.5 256 1595 0.3084
120 117.00 19/2.80 14.0 322 1910 0.2459
150 147.10 37/2.25 15.2 406 2570 0.1960
185 181.60 37/2.50 17.5 501 3105 0.1587
240 242.54 61/2.25 20.2 670 4015 0.1191
300 299.43 61/2.50 22.5 827 4850 0.0965
400 400.14 61/2.89 26.0 1105 6190 0.0722
500 499.83 61/3.23 29.1 1381 7600 0.0578
625 626.20 91/2.96 32.6 1733 9690 0.04625
800 802.10 91/3.35 36.8 2219 12055 0.0361
1000 999.71 91/3.74 41.1 2766 14845 0.0290
Cross Section Number of Stranding Wires Diameter Linear Mass Rated Strength Max.D.C. Resistance at 20℃
Wires Conductor
mm²  mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km
10 7 1.35 4.05 27.4 1.95 2.8633
16 7 1.71 5.12 43.8 3.04 1.7896
25 7 2.13 6.40 68.4 4.50 1.1453
40 7 2.70 8.09 109.4 6.80 0.7158
63 7 3.39 10.2 172.3 10.39 0.4545
100 19 2.59 12.9 274.8 17.00 0.2877
125 19 2.89 14.5 343.6 21.25 0.2302
160 19 3.27 16.4 439.8 26.40 0.1798
200 19 3.66 18.3 549.7 32.00 0.1439
250 19 4.09 20.5 687.1 40.00 0.1151
315 37 3.29 23.0 867.9 51.97 0.0916
400 37 3.71 26.0 1102.0 64.00 0.0721
450 37 3.94 27.5 1239.8 72.00 0.0641
500 37 4.15 29.0 1377.6 80.00 0.0577
560 37 4.39 30.7 1542.9 89.60 0.0515
630 61 3.63 32.6 1738.3 100.08 0.0458
710 61 3.85 34.6 1959.1 113.60 0.0407
800 61 4.09 36.8 2207.4 128.00 0.0361
900 61 4.33 39.0 2483.3 144.00 0.0321
1000 61 4.57 41.1 2759.2 160.00 0.0289
1120 91 3.96 43.5 3093.5 179.20 0.0258
1250 91 4.18 46.0 3452.6 200.00 0.0231
1400 91 4.43 48.7 3866.9 224.00 0.0207
1500 91 4.58 50.4 4143.1 240.00 0.0193
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