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Triplex Overhead Wire

Triplex overhead wire consists of three separate wires twisted together. Also known as ABC cable or aerial bundled cable. Triplex overhead service drop cable mainly has IEC standard, SANS standard, NFC standard, ASTM standard, Australia New Zealand standard and other production standards. In some production standards, the “hot” legs of the triplex overhead aluminum wire are the two insulated conductors, while the “neutral” wire is the bare, uninsulated wire. The phase conductors of the triplex ABC cable are crosslinked polyethylene or concentrically stranded compressed 1350-H19 aluminum. Aluminum alloy 6201, concentrically stranded AAC, or ACSR are the neutral messengers of the triplex overhead cable . However, in some manufacturing standards, the neutral wire of the triplex overhead service drop wire is AAAC, ACSR or stay wire with insulation, and the insulation is usually XLPE or PVC or PE. Contact us to get triplex overhead wire for sale.

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Triplex Overhead Wire Features

ASTM B230, B231, B232,B399,B498, ICEA S-76-474 Standard
This type of overhead insulated cable is used as drop cable from a pole-mounted transformer, to the service entrance of a structure, or as secondary distribution between poles etc.
Phase conductor: AAC , neutral messengers: AAC or AAAC or ACSR , Insulation:PE or XLPE.

Overhead Service Drop Cable Benefits

Triplex overhead service drop cable is an essential component for the utility industry. This triplex service cable is a reliable, durable, and cost-effective solution for connecting utility poles to homes and businesses. Benefits of triplex overhead service drop cable include greater load-bearing capacity, improved voltage drop, and higher resistance to corrosion. The triplex overhead wire for sale is widely available and provides a reliable and cost-effective solution for electricity transmission.

Choosing the Right Overhead Wire For Sale Triplex Cable

When choosing the right triplex overhead cable for your project, it is important to consider the rated voltage ,the cable size, the material of the insulation,the material of the neutral conductor and the production standard of triplex cable you need. If you are looking for a triplex overhead wire for sale, you should look for one that is designed for overhead applications. If you need a triplex overhead service drop cable, make sure it is for outdoor use . Triplex service drop wire should also be rated for outdoor use, and the triplex service cable should meet the applicable standards. All triplex cables should be the correct length for your project and be of the highest quality.

Overhead Triplex Cable Installation

Overhead Triplex cables are mainly used for telecommunications systems or power transmission with voltages not exceed 1000 volts. Triplex Overhead cables are mounted on pylons or poles, so they can be cheaper to install than underground cables because no digging is required, which can be very expensive in rocky areas. Overhead triplex cables usually contain all the insulated cable conductors used in an electrical distribution system (typically using the required high-altitude bundled cables) or telecommunication lines, which are suspended between poles or power towers. Since the antenna cables are completely insulated, there is no danger of shock when touching them and no need to attach insulators to pylons and poles. Another advantage is that they require fewer right-of-way than overhead lines for the same reason. They can be designed as shielded cables for telecommunications purposes. If the cable falls, it can still work without damage to the insulation.

Why Aluminium is Used in Overhead Triplex Cable?

Aluminium is a popular choice for triplex overhead cable due to its light weight, low cost, and excellent conductivity. It is also highly resistant to corrosion, making it the ideal material for outdoor installations. Additionally, aluminium can be easily recycled, making it a cost-effective and environmentally friendly choice for triplex overhead wire for sale, also known as triplex overhead service drop cable, or triplex service drop wire. Its strength and flexibility also make it a popular choice, as it can withstand the wear and tear from everyday use and weather conditions.

Triplex Overhead Wire Ampacity Chart

cross-sectional area of conductor/mm2 1kV 10kV 35kV
Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al
10 72 56
16 102 104 134 79 81 104 172 87
25 138 142 182 107 111 141 152 118
35 170 175 224 132 136 174 192 149
50 209 216 277 162 168 215 232 180 260 206
70 366 275 352 207 214 274 291 226 317 247
95 332 344 440 257 267 341 357 276 377 295
120 384 400 513 299 311 398 413 320 433 339
150 442 459 586 342 356 454 473 366 492 386
185 515 536 684 399 416 531 545 423 557 437
240 615 641 820 476 497 635 647 503 650 512
300 749 583 740 586
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Specifications of Triplex Overhead Wire

Code Name Phase Conductor Bare Neutral Approx.Weight
Size Stranding Insulation Thickness Size Stranding XLPE PE
AWG mil AWG lbs/1000ft
6201 Alloy Neutral Messenger
Minex 6 Solid 45 6 7 106.6 102.9
Hippa 6 7 45 6 7 113.2 105.7
Prawn 4 Solid 45 4 7 158.4 154.1
Barnacles 4 7 45 4 7 168.3 158.2
Shrimp 2 7 45 2 7 253.7 239.7
Gammarus 1/0 7 60 1/0 7 411.7 386.0
Leda 1/0 19 60 1/0 7 402.7 386.0
Dungenese 2/0 7 60 2/0 7 506.8 476.3
Cyclops 2/0 19 60 2/0 7 495.3 476.3
Flustra 3/0 19 60 3/0 7 611.4 589.1
Lepas 4/0 19 60 4/0 7 757.1 730.5
6201 Alloy Reduced Neutral Messenger
Artemia 4 Solid 45 6 7 141.4 137.1
Crab 4 7 45 6 7 151.3 141.2
Solaster 2 7 45 4 7 226.6 212.6
Sandcrab 1/0 7 60 2 7 368.8 343.1
Echinus 1/0 19 60 2 7 358.8 343.1
Crayfish 2/0 7 60 1 7 452.6 422.5
Sipho 2/0 19 60 1 7 441.0 422.5
Fulgar 3/0 19 60 1/0 7 543.4 521.1
Arca 4/0 19 60 2/0 7 671.2 644.6
ACSR Neutral Messenger
Paludina 6 Solid 45 6 6/1 114 113
Voluta 6 7/w 45 6 6/1 120 113
Whelk 4 Solid 45 4 6/1 169 165
Periwinkle 4 7/w 45 4 6/1 176 172
Conch 2 7/w 45 2 6/1 267 261
Neritina 1/0 7/w 60 1/0 6/1 530 419
Cenia 1/0 19/w 60 1/0 6/1 426 416
Runcina 2/0 7/w 60 2/0 6/1 530 519
Triton 2/0 19/w 60 2/0 6/1 526 514
Cherrystone 3/0 7/w 60 3/0 6/1 656 643
Mursia 3/0 19/w 60 3/0 6/1 650 638
Razor 4/0 7/w 60 4/0 6/1 814 799
Zuzara 4/0 19/w 60 4/0 6/1 805 792
Limpet 336.4 19/w 80 336.4 18/1 1209 1167
ACSR Reduced Neutral Messenger
Scallop 4 Solid 45 6 6/1 148 144
Strombus 4 7/w 45 6 6/1 158 148
Cockle 2 7/w 45 4 6/1 233 227
Janthina 1/0 7/w 60 2 6/1 376 365
Ranella 1/0 19/w 60 2 6/1 372 362
Cavolinia 2/0 7/w 60 1 6/1 462 451
Clio 2/0 19/w 60 1 6/1 458 446
Sanddollar 3/0 7/w 60 1/0 6/1 570 557
Aega 3/0 19/w 60 1/0 6/1 565 552
Cuttlefish 4/0 7/w 60 2/0 6/1 706 691
Cerapus 4/0 19/w 60 2/0 6/1 699 684
Cowry 336.4 19/w 80 4/0 6/1 1135 1093
AAC Neutral Messenger
Haiotis 6 Solid 45 6 7 102.5 98.8
Patella 6 7/w 45 6 7 109.1 101.6
Fusus 4 Solid 45 4 7 151.9 147.6
Purpura 1/0 19/w 60 1/0 7 386.1 369.4
Nassa 2/0 7/w 60 2/0 7 485.8 455.3
Melita 3/0 19/w 60 3/0 19 585.2 562.9
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