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XLPE Medium Voltage Cable

The Medium Voltage Insulated power cables with insulation of cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE), also known as xlpe medium voltage cable(XLPE MV cable,  is designed for transfer and distribute of electrical power with nominal voltage Uo/U 3.6/6kV, 6.35/11kV, 8.7/15kV, 12/20kV, 19/33kV, 26/35kV and frequency 50Hz in urban and district electrical networks and for electrical supply of transformer’s substations, small and medium industrial plants. It is suitable for use in distribution installations, electric power stations and industrial systems.

+86 13513807403

Specifications of XLPE Medium Voltage Cable

Normal Cross Section of Conductor Normal Diameter of Conductor Normal Thickness of Insulation Normal Thickness of Copper Tape Normal Thickness of Outer Sheath Approx. Overall Dia. Approx. Net Weight Max. D.C. Resistance of Conductor at 20℃
Al Conductor Cu Conductor Al Conductor Cu Conductor
mm2 mm mm mm mm mm kg/m kg/m Ω/km Ω/km
25 6 2.5 0.12 1.5 17.6 0.34 0.49 1.2 0.727
35 7 2.5 0.12 1.5 18.5 0.39 0.6 0.868 0.524
50 8.3 2.5 0.12 1.6 20 0.46 0.74 0.641 0.387
70 9.7 2.5 0.12 1.6 21.5 0.55 0.96 0.443 0.268
95 11.3 2.5 0.12 1.7 23.3 0.66 1.23 0.32 0.193
120 13 2.5 0.12 1.7 24.8 0.77 1.48 0.253 0.153
150 14.6 2.5 0.12 1.8 26.4 0.87 1.77 0.206 0.124
185 15.9 2.5 0.12 1.8 28.1 1.01 2.13 0.164 0.0991
240 18.3 2.6 0.12 1.9 30.9 1.23 2.71 0.125 0.0754
300 20.4 2.8 0.12 2 33.6 1.48 3.32 0.1 0.0601
400 23.2 3 0.12 2.1 37 1.81 4.16 0.0778 0.047
500 26.4 3.2 0.12 2.2 41.1 2.24 5.27 0.0605 0.0366
630 30.1 3.2 0.12 2.3 45 2.73 6.62 0.0469 0.0283
Normal Cross Section of Conductor Normal Diameter of Conductor Normal Thickness of Insulation Normal Thickness of Copper Tape Normal Thickness of Outer Sheath Approx. Overall Dia. Approx. Net Weight Max. D.C. Resistance of Conductor at 20℃
Al Conductor Cu Conductor Al Conductor Cu Conductor
mm2 mm mm mm mm mm kg/m kg/m Ω/km Ω/km
25 6 3.4 0.12 1.5 19.4 0.4 0.55 1.2 0.727
35 6.9 3.4 0.12 1.6 20.5 0.45 0.66 0.868 0.524
50 8.2 3.4 0.12 1.6 21.8 0.52 0.8 0.641 0.387
70 9.7 3.4 0.12 1.7 23.5 0.62 1.03 0.443 0.268
95 11.3 3.4 0.12 1.7 25.1 0.73 1.3 0.32 0.193
120 12.8 3.4 0.12 1.8 26.8 0.85 1.56 0.253 0.153
150 14.2 3.4 0.12 1.8 28.2 0.95 1.85 0.206 0.124
185 15.9 3.4 0.12 1.9 30.1 1.1 2.22 0.164 0.0991
240 18.3 3.4 0.12 2 32.7 1.33 2.8 0.125 0.0754
300 20.4 3.4 0.12 2 34.8 1.54 3.39 0.1 0.0601
400 23.2 3.4 0.12 2.2 38 1.87 4.22 0.0778 0.047
500 26.4 3.4 0.12 2.2 41.5 2.26 5.29 0.0605 0.0366
630 30.1 3.4 0.12 2.4 45.6 2.78 6.67 0.0469 0.0283
Normal Cross Section of Conductor Normal Diameter of Conductor Normal Thickness of Insulation Normal Thickness of Copper Tape Normal Thickness of Outer Sheath Approx. Overall Dia. Approx. Net Weight Max. D.C. Resistance of Conductor at 20℃
Al Conductor Cu Conductor Al Conductor Cu Conductor
mm2 mm mm mm mm mm kg/m kg/m Ω/km Ω/km
25 6 4.5 0.12 1.6 21.8 0.48 0.63 1.2 0.727
35 6.9 4.5 0.12 1.7 22.9 0.54 0.75 0.868 0.524
50 8.2 4.5 0.12 1.7 24.2 0.61 0.89 0.641 0.387
70 9.7 4.5 0.12 1.8 25.9 0.72 1.13 0.443 0.268
95 11.3 4.5 0.12 1.8 27.5 0.84 1.4 0.32 0.193
120 12.8 4.5 0.12 1.9 29.2 0.96 1.67 0.253 0.153
150 14.2 4.5 0.12 1.9 30.6 1.06 1.96 0.206 0.124
185 15.9 4.5 0.12 2 32.5 1.22 2.34 0.164 0.0991
240 18.3 4.5 0.12 2.1 35.1 1.46 2.93 0.125 0.0754
300 20.4 4.5 0.12 2.1 37.2 1.68 3.52 0.1 0.0601
400 23.2 4.5 0.12 2.2 40.2 2 4.35 0.0778 0.047
500 26.4 4.5 0.12 2.3 43.9 2.43 5.45 0.0605 0.0366
630 30.1 4.5 0.12 2.4 47.8 2.93 6.83 0.0469 0.0283
Normal Cross Section of Conductor Normal Diameter of Conductor Normal Thickness of Insulation Normal Thickness of Copper Tape Normal Thickness of Outer Sheath Approx. Overall Dia. Approx. Net Weight Max. D.C. Resistance of Conductor at 20℃
Al Conductor Cu Conductor Al Conductor Cu Conductor
mm2 mm mm mm mm mm kg/m kg/m Ω/km Ω/km
35 6.9 5.5 0.12 1.7 24.9 0.62 0.83 0.868 0.524
50 8.2 5.5 0.12 1.8 26.4 0.7 0.98 0.641 0.387
70 9.7 5.5 0.12 1.8 27.9 0.8 1.21 0.443 0.268
95 11.3 5.5 0.12 1.9 29.7 0.94 1.5 0.32 0.193
120 12.8 5.5 0.12 1.9 31.2 1.05 1.77 0.253 0.153
150 14.2 5.5 0.12 2 32.8 1.17 2.07 0.206 0.124
185 15.9 5.5 0.12 2 34.5 1.33 2.45 0.164 0.0991
240 18.3 5.5 0.12 2.1 37.1 1.57 3.04 0.125 0.0754
300 20.4 5.5 0.12 2.2 39.4 1.81 3.66 0.1 0.0601
400 23.2 5.5 0.12 2.3 42.4 2.14 4.49 0.0778 0.047
500 26.4 5.5 0.12 2.4 46.1 2.58 5.61 0.0605 0.0366
630 30.1 5.5 0.12 2.4 49.8 3.1 6.99 0.0469 0.0283
Normal Cross Section of Conductor Normal Diameter of Conductor Normal Thickness of Insulation Normal Thickness of Copper Tape Normal Thickness of Outer Sheath Approx. Overall Dia. Approx. Net Weight Max. D.C. Resistance of Conductor at 20℃
Al Conductor Cu Conductor Al Conductor Cu Conductor
mm2 mm mm mm mm mm kg/m kg/m Ω/km Ω/km
50 8.2 8 0.12 2 31.8 0.95 1.23 0.641 0.387
70 9.7 8 0.12 2 33.3 1.07 1.47 0.443 0.268
95 11.3 8 0.12 2.1 35.1 1.21 1.78 0.32 0.193
120 12.8 8 0.12 2.1 36.6 1.34 2.05 0.253 0.153
150 14.2 8 0.12 2.2 38.2 1.47 2.37 0.206 0.124
185 15.9 8 0.12 2.2 39.9 1.64 2.76 0.164 0.0991
240 18.3 8 0.12 2.3 42.5 1.9 3.37 0.125 0.0754
300 20.4 8 0.12 2.4 44.8 2.16 4.01 0.1 0.0601
400 23.2 8 0.12 2.4 47.6 2.52 4.87 0.0778 0.047
500 26.4 8 0.12 2.5 51.3 2.98 6.01 0.0605 0.0366
630 30.1 8 0.12 2.6 55.2 3.54 7.43 0.0469 0.0283
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